2022 Auckland Vacation Bible School
The Armour of GOD
We have closed the registration as we have fulfilled our capacity for VBS.
The Armour of GOD
VBS (Vacation Bible School) is a school holiday programme where children learn and explore the truths and wisdom of God's Word and the Christian faith through Bible stories, interactive discussions, science projects, mission projects, games, arts & crafts and songs.
The purpose of our VBS program is to awaken their spiritual interest and feed their spiritual hunger by exposing them to the Truth.
The theme of this year is The Armour of God. The Devil is God's enemy. And ours! He is not eternal - as God is. He does not know everything and cannot be in more than one place at a time; but he is a strong enemy. The only way we can defeat him is to fight according to God's way with all the armour He provides.
In the lessons, children will learn how to protect themselves against satanSatan and his armies and how to win the battle in their everyday lives. It is important for them to be strong in the Lord and put on the whole armour of God so that they may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.
The programme will also include other activities such as science projects, mission projects, a nature walk and exploration and of digital wisdom.
Monday - Wednesday,
3-5 October 2022
Short Day: 9:00 – 15:30
Full Day: 8.30 – 17.00
Rawene Center Centre
33 Rawene Road, Birkenhead, Auckland 1310
Rawene Centre Map
1 day: $25/child
2 days: $35/child
3 days: $40/child
*Morning and afternoon tea will be provided. BYO Lunch.
Christine 02108367438
Theresia 021 053 4239